We exist to help contribute to a future where individuals experience a greater satisfaction in their daily work lives.
Easily bridge employee ideas, complaints and imporvement suggestions to top management
Track employee mental health status and job satisfaction on a day to day basis using our technology
Gain useful insights as to what makes your employees motivated to do the best they can for your company
At most companies, there’s usually a gap between the thoughts and ideas of employees and upper management, Pyrafly is here to bridge that gap and make employees feel heard and understood while at the same time giving voice to their invaluable insights to reach the right decision maker so that your company becomes more productive, efficient and a great place to be.
Simply go to the Play Store on Android or App Store on your iOS device and search for “Pyrafly” and you’ll be able to download and install the app in no time. or just click here
Your savings as an employer and employee will vary based on how you will use the app, But on average we have seen growth between 13 and 26% on average from our clients
What makes pyrafly a revolution in performance improvement is its unique ability to give you an overview of your company’s current status and ideas on how to improve it by the same people who are responsible for its successÂ